Pay for my purchase

A purchased item can only be paid for if you have received a payment request from your seller. If your seller has sent you a payment request, you'll find it in the "My purchases: To pay" tab. However, if your seller has not sent you a payment request, your purchase will be in the "My purchases: Pending invoicing" tab. This article covers the follow

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Payment by PayPal is only possible if your seller has configured their account to accept this type of payment. In this case, this is visible on the sale and in the payment request. To pay for your purchase using PayPal Go to the "My purchases: To be paid” page Find the transaction and click on "Pay" Select the delivery method Select "PayPal" Cli

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To pay for your purchase using your available balance Go to "My purchases: To be paid” page Find the transaction and click on "Pay" Select the delivery method Select "Mangopay" (your balance amount will appear clearly) Click on "Pay with my balance" This option is only available if your seller’s country of residence is one of the countries el

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The option to pay for your purchases by using part of your balance is only available if you have a euro account. To pay for your purchase using part of your balance  Go to "My purchases: To be paid" Find the transaction and click on "Pay" Select a delivery method Select "Mangopay" If you have a €0 balance or it is insufficient to pay for your p

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The option of paying your seller directly by bank transfer no longer exists. If you wish to pay by bank transfer, you must credit your PayPal or Mangopay account with this payment method. This action enables you to pay for your purchases (as soon as your balance has been credited).  Contrary to paying by credit card or using a direct payment method

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If you have linked your bank card to your wallet, you can use it to pay for your purchase.If you haven’t linked a card yet, you will have the option to do so on this page. For more information about this topic please see the article: ”I want to pay with my bank card. How can I pay?" To pay for your purchase using your bank card Go to "My purchases

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